V4.0.0 - React JS Full version with Server Side Rendering and Bootstrap 4 Beta support - Update Angular to 5.0.0 - Retouch design - Fix various bugs V3.9.1 - Bootstrap 4 Beta update for Angular 4.0 version V3.9.0 - React JS Seed version with Server Side Rendering and Bootstrap 4 Beta support V3.8.0 - Update Angular to 4.2.4 version - Update webpack to 3.0.0 version - Update all dependencies and devDependencies - Update webpack configs V3.6.0 - Update Angular to 4.0 version on full and seed projects - Charts bug fixes V3.6.0 - Bootstrap 4 alpha 6 version - Bootstrap Bugfixes - Webpack 2.0 version - Add angular preload strategy to fix first long time app loading - Add pages loader V3.5.0 - Angular 2.4 Full Version Files changed: * a2 folder containing completely new Angular 2.4 full version of Light Blue V3.4.0 - Angular 2.0 Seed Version Files changed: * a2-seed folder containing completely new Angular 2.0 seed version of Light Blue V3.3.0 - Completely new Transparent Light version! - Updated color scheme and design improvements - Bugfixes Files changed: html: * layout.hbs * sidebar.hbs * header.hbs * index.hbs * form_account.hbs js: * app.js * index.js * settings.js styles: * sass/_general * sass/_base * sass/_variables * sass/_widgets V3.0 - Entire codebase rewrite & improvement - Grunt tasks to build an application - Bower package management - General layout redesign - Handlebars templates Files changed: html: * *.html -> *.hbs (compiling html from handlebars templates) * tables_static.hbs * special_search.hbs * special_404.hbs -> error.hbs * login.hbs * --new-- partials/layout.hbs * --new-- partials/sidebar.hbs js: * app.js styles: * sass/_base * sass/application * --new-- sass/_widgets * --new-- sass/_utils V2.1 - Widgster plugin (closable, fullscreenable, collapsible, refreshable widgets) - Messenger notifications - Input Sliders - Parsley 2.0.0 - White version bug fixes Files changed: html: * form_account.html * form_article.html * form_validation.html * form_elements.html * grid_live.html * --new-- ui_notifications.html js: * index.js * grid-live.js * forms.js * forms-article.js * forms-validation.js * --new-- ui-notifications.js * lib/parsley.js styles: * sass/_base * sass/application * --new-- sass/lib/messenger-1.4.1/* * --new-- sass/lib/_bootstrap-slider V2.0 - Super fast Ajax page loading - Lib updates - Few bug fixes Files changed: html: * /* js: * app.js (PjaxApp) * js/* * --new-- lib/jquery-pjax styles: * sass/_bootstrap-override * sass/_base V1.8 - Bootstrap v3.1 update - Few bug fixes Files changed: html: * form_elements.html * stat_statistics.html styles: * sass/bootstrap-original/* * sass/_bootstrap-override V1.7.1 - Bootstrap 3.0.3 upgrade fix Files changed: styles: * sass/_base V1.7 - 4+ level menu. - Libs updates & fixes - Documentation update Files changed: html: * form_account.html * index.html styles: * sass/bootstrap-original/* js: * app.js V1.6 - Bootstrap components page - Live Grid - List Groups - jquery 2.0, lib updates - Font Awesome 4.0.3 Files changed: html: * --new-- grid_live.html * --new-- component_bootstrap.html * --new-- component_list_groups.html styles: * sass/_base * sass/_bootstrap-override * sass/_responsive * --new-- sass/lib/_nestable js: * inbox.js * stats.js * --removed-- lib/jquery-migrate-1.1.0.min.js * --removed-- lib/jquery.1.9.0.min.js * --new-- lib/jquery-2.0.3.min.js V1.5 - White version - Landing page - Css & Structure refactoring - Drop Bootstrap 2 version from package Files changed: folder: * --new-- white/* html: * --new-- landing.html styles: * sass/_base * sass/_bootstrap-override * sass/_responsive * sass/lib/_animate V1.4 - Bootstrap 3 support - Ready-to-use Inbox App Files changed: all files :) html: * --new-- special_inbox.html styles: * sass/bootstrap-original/* js: * inbox.js * folders.json * emails.json lib: * --new-- lib/wysihtml5/advanced.js V1.3 - Overall UI improvements - New iCheck library instead of out-of-date uniform - Print Optimized - Invoice Page Files changed: html: * all html files: icon-desktop replaced with icon-home * --new-- special_invoice.html styles: * _base.scss * _bootstrap-override.scss * _general.scss * _variables.scss * application.scss * --new-- _print.scss js: * form-elemets.js * forms.js lib: * --new-- lib/icheck.js/jquery.icheck.js * --removed-- lib/uniform/* images: * --new-- img/icheck/square/* * --removed-- img/sprite.png * --removed-- img/sprite.psd V1.2 - Fileupload fix - Second level menu overlap fix Files changed: * js/app.js * component_fileupload.html V1.1 - Generic Search Field - Form Wizard (form_wizard.html) - jQuery Datatables (tables_dynamic.html) - UI improvements